Are we having a green summer thursday?  Here is an old recipe for you to try, if you like it green. 🙂

1 bowl watercress soup – 1 bunch fresh watercress –  juice from 2 cucumbers – 2 tbsp lemon juice – 2 garlic cloves – 1 avocado – salt and pepper to taste. Garnish: cucumber and some more watercress or if you have anything else in mind.

Put the watercress, cucumber juice, half the lemon juice and garlic in a blender and blend well. Add the avocado and more lemon juice to taste and blend again. Let it chill for a minute in the fridge, then serve in a bowl and garnish.  Don’t forget the salt and pepper and use more garlic for some extra sting. Enjoy!

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Photo: Martin Löf.