

Waddle like a penguin and Tara


All is good over here. Bean an I are growing bigger together. He is doing great in there and I think I just entered the penguin state of late pregnancy. I’m waddling around in the heat the best I can. It’s not that I feel heavy, It’s just that babys head is IN my bladder ( at least if feels like that ) which makes it a little difficult to walk straight, fast and feather like and that the belly is are so tense. I’m week 37 now and due date is coming up. I am ready, but I’m also not ready at all, at the same time.  Today I’m gonna pack mine and Beans bag, print my birth plan and give to my doctor tomorrow. One good thing about this little guy is that he never wakes me up at night. He always wakes up after me, or he is being really still and quiet… very sweet and considerate.  Hope it stays that way. 🙂 I wish!

Anyway, new interview in the latest issue of Tara magazine regarding my cookbook release this week. Hope you like.


Receptet på min superfoodsallad i Elle mat & vin


Is it a salad friday today? If so, scroll down for the recipe on my superfood salad that got published in Swedish Elle food & wine, with lots of delicious and nutritious sprouts.  I’m posting this one in Swedish, but google translate should work just great.

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Min superfoodsallad

3–4 personer

Välj gärna färska groddar och skott och toppa dina sallader med. Fulla med bästa näringen och aminosyror.

2 dl quinoa 2 nävar blandsallad

1 näve sockerärtor

1 näve rucola

1 liten zucchini

1 stor avokado (eller 2 små)

3 dl olika sorters groddar (t ex mungböns-, alfalfa- och linsgroddar)

en näve ärt- eller solrosskott

1/2 dl gräslök

1 dl rostade hasselnötter

citron- och senapsdressing:

1 1/2 dl extra virgin olivolja

3 msk grovkornig senap

2 1/2 msk citronjuice

salt och svartpeppar (efter behag)

Sätt ugnen på 200°. Koka quinoan enligt anvisningarna på förpackningen och låt svalna. Skölj grönsakerna och groddarna. Skär bort ändarna på zucchinin och hyvla långa remsor. Skala avokadon i tärningar och hacka gräslöken. Rosta hasselnötterna i ugnen i cirka 10–12 minuter tills de får lite färg. Lägg blandade salladsblad, sockerärtor, rucola och gräslök i en skål tillsammans med quinoan.

Häll alla ingredienser till dressingen i en liten skål och vispa med en gaffel. Smaka av med salt och peppar. Häll över hälften av dressingen och massera in den i salladen. Lägg upp salladen på ett serveringsfat och lägg på zucchinin, gärna som snurror. Toppa med avokado, groddar, hasselnötter och resten av dressingen. Servera genast.


Photo: TheDailyGood Stephanie Bjelkstam

This is made for eating!

My new favorite beverage at the moment belongs on the picnic table. It’s so easy to make your own vitamin water just by adding some fresh herbs, fruits and berries. Even veggies can be dropped down the jars. Drinking water with healing herbs and antioxidants from fresh berries is not only nutritious and delicious, it looks nice as well.


Here is the beach picnic recipes I promised. The sandwiches are delicious. All ingredients are picked up at the farmers market in Ojai. Why would I go all the way up there to shop for a picnic? Why not? 🙂 

I also picked up a freshly baked country sourdough for the sandwiches at one of the healthy eateries in town called “farmer and the cook”.  Nothing beats a good farmers market or delicious bread coming straight out of the oven for that matter. Enjoy!

Photo by Martin Löf.

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Some extras.

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