If you thought I only drink smoothies and eat Acai bowls all day long, you guys are so wrong :).  I also eat burgers sometimes, good grass fed burgers with organic ingredients, if possible. My go-to place when a burger craving kicks in is Malibu Farm. Helene makes amazing gourmet burgers with insanely good toppings, full of flavors.  She even shares the recipe in her book, The Malibu Farm Cookbook… if you wanna try and make it yourself.

What makes a burger a good quality burger? For me, it’s all about where the meat comes from. Grass fed, local, organic and lean is important to me.  If you are a little conscious about eating red meat like I am, try to always find the best quality possible. The way cows are fed can have a major effect on the nutrient composition of the beef. And then we have the toppings. I love this one cus it has organic heirloom tomato, red and white cabbage, arugula from from her own farm and then this aioli that’s just… crazy good. So, if you’re here in burger land, you now know where to head.