

backyard dinnerparty

 Delicious updates from beautyinthebite back in L.A. I want to eat her food.

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Warm snap pea salad with lime, basil & black sesame vinaigrette. I say YUM!

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Life’s a peach from “Allt om Mat” – out now.

So many fantastic foods are finally at their peak. Me and Stephanie Bjelkstam did a peachy job together and you can see the result in the latest issue of “Allt om Mat”, out now! 5 different recipes for your summer peaches. And I will post 3 more delicious recipes for you, a little later. Enjoy!

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Photo: Stephanie Bjelkstam

Throw it on the pizza!

I digged a little and found a garlic in dads garden,  and mom made a really good pizza sauce with tomatoes that we picked up from a tomato farm around here. Organic and super tasty.


Tons of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Delicious! They taste better newly picked, keep in mind.

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We threw the sauce over a cauliflower crust and topped with tons of veggies. Yum!
