

Beauty in the bite

Check out my friend Ragan’s new foodblog “Beauty in the bite”. She creates amazing bites made with a ton of luv. I hope you’re hungry!

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“A transplant from the midwest, I’m a west coast girl constantly in search for my next meal, I just may show up at your table”

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Northland fish & chips


Hello Ragan! She is fishing for dinner. 🙂

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Chard lettuce & lemon salad. YUM!

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BBQ some veggies

  I’v been craving vegetables all summer so far.  I love picking up some fresh, organic veggies at the farmers market and throw them on the BBQ for dinner. Zucchini, squash, onions, red cabbage, heirloom tomatoes, garlic, green beans, snap peas… whatever looks crispy and delicious I throw on there and squeeze some lemon on top together with some fresh rosemary. I serve it with some sort of hummus, It’s pretty good.

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Foodjunkies in sand

Great picnic the other day btw. Here is a few… the rest you will see somewhere else one of these days 🙂 Thank you Martin Löf and Foodjunkie. It was so great to see you at the beach for a little bit. KRAM!
