

This is how i eat!

People often ask me what my diet looks like and how i REALLY eat!

My philosophy is pretty simple.

First of all, i do not eat any processed food ( tv-dinners, package food, etc) It tastes bad and artificial and don’t even get me started on whats in it.

I do stay away from crazy additives and sneaky names they use to trick us into sugar and  things. I’m a slave under labels and i admit that i do spend some time in the grocery store reading all these labels.  Jamie Oliver said it best ” Real food doesn’t have ingredients, real food IS ingredients”.  Our health is in our own hands, and also our responsibility to pass on good habits to our kids. I think it’s terrible how the food industry keep tricking us into sugars and other harmful additives hiding behind names no one can pronounce. Anyway, i do read all those labels and pass on things I’m not sure of. Oh, and I do not drink cows milk.

 I do not eat white refined sugar. I get a hangover from eating real ice cream. Crazy, but my body doesn’t like it anymore. But if someone offer a homemade apple pie with extra cinnamon and vanilla bean ice cream… i don’t say no thanks.

And here is what i eat A LOT of:

Fresh organic vegetables, greens, sea veggies and fruit. Raw super foods, raw food, vegetarian and vegan alternatives. I drink lots of my greens in smoothies and i love big hearty salads, with whole grains. I like to prepare food with fresh seasonal ingredients. I adore fresh-from-the-farmer- produce.

I prefer gluten free bread and pasta and I’m lucky to live where i live cus the options are good and many.

I eat fish, seafood and chicken. I love fish tacos and lobster. I eat eggs, pasturaised or local cage free.

I do eat red meat. Maybe once a month i do but then i make sure it’s local, organic, grass fed, hormone free and all that. I would never eat red meat from restaurants who use corn fed or non organic. I am really picky about that. I skip sausage and deli meat because of the nitrate and other crazy things.

I do not feel that I’m depriving myself at all. I eat exactly what i wanna eat and i do prefer a coconut chia pudding and a kombucha before a pepperoni pizza and a coke. I do love pizza, don’t get me wrong here, but when i do eat pizza it’s from my favorite places who throw in a little extra love while making it, with whole ingredients etc… it also tastes so much better.

I do love cheese too and i eat it whenever I crave it. I love raw cheese too, so i alternate between raw and other delicious cheeses.

So, here you have it. It’s pretty simple if you think about it. No fake foods, more real foods and LOTS from nature.

I love food, both to cook and eat and i eat what the chef is serving on a dinner party so to speak. But this is how i keep myself balanced, happy and healthy. My book Hälsokick is about how i  keep myself balanced with smoothies, juices and good healthy snacks… but i do eat in between. Of course i do, silly! 🙂

So, let’s eat what makes us healthy, happy and alive!

Who doesn’t love sunday brunch?

I sure do, and sometimes i do it the real American way but most of the time it looks like something like this. Hearty, healthy, vegan and super delicious! But first, a roll in the sand!


We went back to The Source cafe, the pop up i told you about. Oh, how we wish they could stay longer than the 2 months,  or that they find a different location for their organic, local, healthy and amazing food.


Smoked salmon with spinach, herbs and garlic on a flax toast. Do i have to say more? And a cashew cheese, avo, parsley and radish toast. Yum Yum Yum! We will be back for more… and more! The Source cafe.


The farm santa was here!

I adore these farm boxes. Nothing is better than receiving one and plan what to make with all these local goods. I have a pot on the stove as we speak with broccoli, yellow sweet onions and crimini mushrooms from the box and then i threw some chickpeas in there, parsley, garlic, kale and veggie broth. I think i’ll serve it with some brown rice. Hearty food for a rainy day and nothing tastes as good as freshly harvested organic veggies.

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And here is this mornings winter beach. It’s awesome when a hairy wet dog rolls in the sand and refuses to stop! :-/
