

I’m a sucker for bowls

What a nice superfood surprise! A Great Earth welcoming.  Try their new organic chia seeds. I had them in my breakfast bowl together with granola, flax seeds, strawberries, coconut flakes and chips and natural yogurt. Good morning and thanks Great Earth!


winners and sunset

I want to say congratulations to Jenny och Linnea for winning the Life Blog Awards category Superfood.  Check them out here and get tons of inspiration. I was the fourth runner up,  and that my friends feels so great. Thank you Life for nominating me and thanks so much to all of you who voted for me.  I really appreciate it.


This is tonights sunset with my two faves. I’m gonna miss them when I leave for Sweden on tuesday. 5 weeks in Sweden… please bring me spring.


Green delicious things

It’s breakfast time in L.A. I need some good fuel for todays sunny but chilly hike.  Here is a good one for you to try, loaded with green delicious things.

A jar with green goods

1 cup frozen mango

1/2 banana

1/4 avocado

1 handful baby spinach

1 tbsp ground flaxseeds

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp almond butter

1 cm fresh peeled ginger

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 cup almond milk

Mix it all until smooth, poor in a jar and top with your favorite granola clusters, stick a spoon in it and enjoy!

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