

Great californication – a taste of summer!

Are you longing for warmer days and more sun? I know I am. Together with Great Earth, I’m proud to present a new shake for february.  Filled with mango, pineapple, coconut water, chia seeds and coconut oil, It’s definitely sunshine in a cup. Great Earth will be serving it throughout February. Welcome to Birger Jarlsgatan 18 in Stockholm!


Hälsokick in French and German, so cool!

I’m feeling really proud and humble over the fact that Hälsokick is translated in both german and french so far. There’s actually even more countries to come :).  It feels fantastic to share the book larger and wider for all the health minded and health curious peeps out there. Vielen Dank and Merci Beacoup!

Balance your Life – Smoothies, säfte, snacks.

Jus, smoothies & en-cas gourmands – pour booster votre santé. 

Susanne Kindt Photography.


Get some sun

Since it’s been raining today,  I thought i’d share some pics from Malibu a few days ago instead of a cloudy skye.


Fisherman and his friends.


Fish tacos on the pier.


Just lovely.


Right here  in this house is where I wanna live.

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