

winds from the desert?

It feels like we got some Santa Ana winds going on today. Warm winds from the desert is the best, especially when i thought fall was here for real just a few days ago.


Gorgeous skies tonight.


Happy socks, happy monday!

Bummer! Gjusta Bakery is closed today… hm… what to do? Well of course I haven’t forgotten about G.T.A, so I headed over there in the beautiful early morning sun.


That Abbot Kinney is growing bigger, longer and wider is no news. I see new signs of trendy boutiques openings almost every time I walk or drive along that street. Those colorful dots you see across the streets are Swedish.


Ah! Happy Socks are coming soon… or next year! How crazy it might sound, but next year is just around the corner.


Warming spices for winter smoothies

I know it can be hard to drink cold smoothies during the chilly winter months. But adding some warm spices and herbs to your blends can help a little.  Try to add some cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric or nutmeg to your smoothies and enjoy them room tempered and you should be ok. So don’t put your blender away just cuz it’s cold outside. 🙂
