I am getting close to my due date in August and figured It’s about time I start interviewing some pediatricians (barnläkare) before baby arrives. That’s how It works here in the states. You interview different ones and then stick to the same one for years and years hopefully.  This week I have 2 appointments. One with a traditional dr and one holistic dr. I already know what I would like for my son but are still interested in hearing the traditional dr’s point of view on kids health, vaccinations etc. And then I’m super excited to go see the holistic dr who practice both traditional medicine, If we want, but has a holistic approach to everything. He prescribes herbs and supplements if needed.  Prevention is his goal and he will go to any length to protect the health of a child, I heard. That sounds fantastic to me. The office also has a in-house nutritionist if needed. I really like that, since I believe that food is medicin. Anyone has experience with a holistic baby dr?

Farm box picture from Summerland L.A