


No more hunger games…..

It´s important to get your fibers and protein. Or you´ll end up playing the “Hunger Games” like I´ve the past week.

In France it was easy to eat lightly. The days where filled with only plant food breakfasts, juice for lunch and something more foody after the sun had set.
With the heat the most important intake of the day was water and minerals such as salt.

When I practice a lot of bikram yoga or if I´m exposed to warmer weather I use my Friway Well salt spray.
Made with ionised water and mineral salt it´s a great little invention to keep your salt intake without adding the bad salts.

Also on vacation there is no stress and yoga everyday so my system gets pretty much balanced out from the city lifes overindulgence and work.

A clean body is more receptive to the food you eat. A little yoga everyday helps.

A clean body is more receptive to the food you eat. A little yoga everyday helps as well

But once I got back home and the heat diminished, I was back at work and my hunger kicked in.
I´m pretty good at reading my bodies signals but this time my head was`t with me so instead of eating more and drinking less juice I just continued as the week before.

Cold, tired hitting the snooze button each morning instead of yoga before work I just didn´t get it.
Untill a couple of days later I realized that even though loaded with nutrients I needed something more meaty and had to add more fibers to my diet when back at my regular speedy life.

So this weekend I´ve been making gluten free flat bread and eating fish. Carbs and protein.


Fishlys and oysters

Fishlys and oysters

More oysters....

More oysters…. Great for minerals and salt, maybe post yoga 🙂

Everyday is a new day and so are you listen to your needs move from there

Everyday is a new day and so are you listen to your needs move from there


For many years I didn´t eat meat due to yoga filosophy and not listening to my needs.
I ended up totally depressed and just craving bad stuff such as too much coffee, sugar and bad habits.


For every coffee drink dubble the amount of water and up your intake of greens.

For every coffee drink dubble the amount of water and up your intake of greens


And before those years I didn´t eat anything. So even though my mind and body can work on starvation mode my soul can´t anymore.

So from time to time.
REGULARY, once a week or more I eat animals. I´m happier and more free this way and working with food I just couldn´t eat everything.

I mean why do we call it nut cheese, plant yogurt, zuccini pasta or raw vegan beef if we weren´t inspierd by the tastes and forms used in the more traditional cooking.
Also it´s easier to explain the foods and a busniess to made money from, so easy does it.

It´s not only animal protein that is excluded from peoples diets but carbs, gluten and lactoes.

Pizza lover

Pizza lover


Eat your carbs with flowers and cheese

Eat your carbs with flowers and cheese

Gluten free flat bread brunch

Gluten free flat bread brunch

Get an expert to tell you what you can and can´t eat, don´t guess. There are many important nutrients in these products and to exclude them for random diets could be realy bad.
To eat organic and local is also a great way to stay away from allergies and upset tummies, bad ph level and mood swings.

I tought I was allergic to gluten and lactoes but if I eat “lagom” and choose organic products there´s no problem at all.
Veggies should come from the earth and soil. Meat should be grassfed and chickens roam freely.

Life is so much richer these days when food is not an issue and just something to enjoy.


Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard

Beets great blodsugar stabalizer

Beets  are a great bloodsugar stabalizer

We got some beautiful Swiss Chard and beets to the work this week. Both these plants are great blood sugar stabalizers since they help regulate the speed of digestion and keep food moving at the right pace through our digestive tract.

Like beets, chard is a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains. The betalain pigments in chard have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.

Take care if your pregnant you should stay away from these 2 and spinach. Also included in this family called the chenopod is quinoa.






Farmers market and raw “redbeet tartar”

Always on the look out for new fresh, organic and local plants to work with I took a trip to the first Farmers Market this year.

My favorite farmer for herbs was at her booth. I got some coriander with root and all, holy basil and mint.
She gave me onions so I can grow my own onion flowers.

Whether in France or some other trip, on walks or at work my system never stops to take in information and products to use.
It´s more than work or a hobby. It´s one of my passions. I feel more like an artist when making food.
Not one to follow recepies I enter a kitchen and see what´s there and try to make something with what I´ve got. I´ve learnt to trust my instinct and palate to find the marriage between flavors, texture, color and combos.

In plant food one of the big issues for me right now is texture. I´m searching for that perfect crunch without burning something to a crisp.

It´s actully not so hard to make meals. You just tune in and listen to what your body wants and needs. It takes some practice but start with simple dishes and take it from there. 

If you speak swedish and want to listen to something really interesting about taste, flavors and the new development of our senses this radio program is great. P1 listen to link here.

For recipe scroll down.

Ramson capers, pickles, baked parsnip and reed beet beef

Ramson capers, pickles, baked parsnip and red beet tartar

Prepp for raw beet beef

Prepp for raw beet tartar

Into the wild

Into the wild

Perfection is imperfection

Perfection is imperfection





Mini bell peppers

Mini bell peppers





On the board

On the board

Ditching powders for these perfect smoothie boosters

Ditching powders for these perfect smoothie boosters

Marriege between mint and basil

Marriage between mint and basil

Asian green I can´t remember name of and Swedish squash blossom

Asian green I can´t remember name of and Swedish squash blossom

Wann Wallens onion flowers

Wann Wallens onion flowers

New Zeeland broccoli and daikon

New Zeeland broccoli and daikon

For beet tartar

4-5 redbeets (uncooked).
4-5 sundried tomatoes.1 dl activated pecans.
1 tsp of salt.
1/2 tbs of coldpressed olive oil.

Soak the tomatoes and pour away the water. You can save it if you need more moisture when mixing.

Mix all the ingredients, best is to use the pulse button so you can control how chuncky you want yout beef.

Strain in a strainer to get rid of excess juice and place the beet beef on a lettuce leave.

Side dishes:

I´ve pickled ramson capers with mini cucumbers a couple of weeks before that become perfect for this dish.

I also oven baked spirlized parsnip in salt this morning for extra crunch.

You can use regular dijon.
I made a cashew mustard paste with soaked cashews, lemon, grinded mustard seeds, horseradish and turmeric.

Finely chopped fresh red onions. I let the sit in some lemon juice and salt to get the activated and it takes away some of the strenght of the onions.