


Super food makes super body

Ordet super food förknippas mest med pulver som boostar smoothies eller andra växtbaserade rätter. För mig är den enda riktiga super fooden riktig mat, bra råvaror. Där man använder så mycket av råvaran som det går från rot till blomma.

Försök att välja så lokala produkter som möjligt.
Ibland kan det hjälpa andra länder att vi köper deras varor, det ger jobb och jobb ger trygghet.  Tex saffranet från Afganistan som ger kvinnor arbete som inte är att odla heroin. När du köper en produkt se till att ta redan på hur produktionen ser ut innan du köper hem den.

Jag strävar hela tiden för att hitta balansen mellan att hålla min kost så lokal som möjligt med vissa utsvävningar. De senaste åren har jag adderat ägg, riktig mjölk och yoghurt samt fisk och ibland kött. Jag har tagit bort den större konsumtionen av vissa produkter men använder dem i min matlagning för att addera smak och känsla.

Den här tiden på året är magisk eftersom svenska råvaror skördas och kan inhandlas på marknader överallt. Utnyttja det köp extra bär frys in och använd resten av året.

Här är en lista på 5 favoriter just nu.


  1. Gröna blad som mangold i alla färger, grönkål, svartkål och även blasten på betorna går att använda.
  2. Bovete groddar att ha i sallader, smoothies, frysa och göra glass på eller torka och mala till mjöl.
  3. Moringa pulvret som kommer från bladen på trädet som finns i Asien, protein rikt med en massa antioxidanter.
    En liten dos i smoothies, dressingar eller att sprinkla på de psykadeliska glasen räcker för mig eftersom jag får i mig protein från andra råvaror. Jag använder Herb Hero eftersom de ser till att hela produktionen är reko från början till försäljning.
  4. Ägg i alla former. I sallad eller omeletter, på knäckebröd eller i pannkakor.
  5. Getostar och mjölk i alla former. När vi var i Florens blev det en hel del ost. Helst med bubblig champange eller iskallt mineralrikt vitvin.
    Är ni där bör ni gå förbi Il Santino där vi hamnade ofta när solen blev för het.


Here is a list of my 5 favorite superfoods right now. I belive that the only real superfood is real food. 

1.  Green leaves Swiss chard in all colors , kale, black tuscany kale and even the leaves from beets.

2.  Buckwheat sprouts to use in salads , smoothies , freeze and make ice cream or dry and grind into a gluten free flour.

3.Moringa powder from the leaves of the mooring tree. Loaded with protein and a lot of antioxidants.
    I use a small dose in smoothies , dressings or sprinkle on top of the psychedelic glasses. I use Herb Hero because they ensure that the entire production is ok from start to sales.

4. Eggs in all forms . In salad or omellets, on crisp bread or pancakes.

5. Goat milk and cheese. When we were in Florence we had a lot of cheese. Preferably with bubbly champagne or ice cold mineral-rich white wine .
    If you are in these parts of Italy you should go to Il Santino where we ended up often when the sun got too hot .

To buy the Fanzine Sauvage where I talk more about my relationship to food, life and love click here.


Some of my favorite things


Theaching yoga again!

I will be teaching Ashtanga again at Yoga Devi. Anne Sophie who runs the studio used to be my yoga trainee and the first class she took she was so burnt out she did one sun salut ate a banana and went straight into savasana.

Yoga heals when you move from what you got and stop worring about the mind stuff desturbing your inner peace.

Mind stuff is all the thoughts and feelings that fragment you. We all go thru the same shit and the best remedy is to see what it´s made of and use the pain in a productive way.

When you can rest in that you can develope a creative force that is unique and use it in your life and work.

Dates for my classes are:

Mysore style on mondays 26/10, 2/11, 9/11 17.15-19.00 and wednesdays 21/10, 28/10, 3/11 and 10/11.

Beginners on the same mondays as listed abow and the time is 19.15-21.00.

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Yoga food

For Yogaakademins retreat I made simple raw dishes like lasagne, pizza, cauliflower risotto, curry pumpkin sauces, the yoga girl taco, shaved salads, sprouts and rice paper rolls.

To ground us I made warm curried rice with nigella seeds, sweet potatoes in the oven, sun flower pate and warm soups.

Simple salads with seasonal veggies and loads of fresh herbs. I picked nettles, dandelion, blackberries and rose hip from the grounds around us.

I fell in love with the lemon balm, the great ginger and fresh turmeric root form the local market making tea and infused waters with.

Goats cheeses and for the last dinner I grilled dorado and makrill with shaved lemons and limes. Stuffed with lemon balm and salad onions.

So not totally raw that´s the way I like it. I wanted to show how plant food can be part of any persons diet when added in smal portions. Keep it simple and make fun. Less diet and rules, it´s just another way to prepare food.

Better to add to your regular menu and see if that dish suits you. Use your own favourite spices and find recipes as inspiration.
Give it some time. The flavours and textures will feel a bit new in the beginning.

But with time your taste buds will become sharper and you will need less artificial additives and less of everything.

The reaction in the different yoga groups where that after a day or two the vegetables and fruits own flavours became more apparent. Sweetners and salts where not needed to the same extent.

I used olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, tamari, miso paste, sea weeds, nut butters, turmeric, acai, spirulina, sun dried tomatos, dates, raisins, cold pressed apple cider vinegar, lemon zest, chili, fenugreek, nigella seeds, black mustard seeds. I pickled onions and beets.
Pimped everything with zucchini blossoms, sun and burdock flowers.

We went to the market without an agenda saw what was in that day and just went wild.

Endive and sunflower seed pate

Endive and sunflower seed pate

Raw pate

Raw pate

One of many raw lasangas

One of many raw lasangas

Coconut cauliflower rice

Coconut cauliflower rice


Cauliflower rice and peaches

Cauliflower rice and peaches

Lunch time

Lunch time

Raw taco

Raw taco



Boosters and sweets

Boosters and sweets

Simply perfect

Simply perfect

Curry lentil sprout rice

Curry lentil sprout rice



Celery root and apples topped with seaweed cashew cream

Celery root and apples topped with seaweed cashew cream

Lunch time

Lunch time

Raw cacao mousse and berries

Raw cacao mousse and berries



My kit for the week

My kit for the week

Raw pumpkin and coconut soup

Raw pumpkin and coconut soup

Steamed greens

Steamed greens

Watercress salad with sesame oil

Watercress salad with sesame oil

Dinner time

Dinner time

Miso marinated broccoli

Miso marinated broccoli

Swiss chard and shaved roots

Swiss chard and shaved roots

Baba ghanou

Baba ghanou

Raw tiramisu

Raw tiramisu