



PIZZA RUSTICA ( See below for english version )

Jag gjorde den här pizzan för ett repotage i tidningen Gourmets majnummer med fotografen Fredik Skogkvist som tar de mesta av de bilder jag inte tar själv på mig eller maten jag tillreder.

En grönsakspizza gjord på botten av en ugns- torkad raw pizzadeg.
3 dl groddat bovetemjöl
2 dl ljusa chiafrön
2 dl mandel
1⁄2 tsk havssalt
1⁄2 dl surkål
1⁄2 dl kombucha
2 msk kallpressad olivolja

1 morot
1 vitlök
4 dl soltorkade tomater
1 citron, finrivet skal och saft 1 tsk finhackad färsk chili 1⁄2 tsk havs salt
2 msk agavesirap TOPPING:
2 dl nötost
1 msk basilikablad
2 dl pepprig rucola
2 väl mogna tomater
1⁄2 gul lök
1 liten fänkål
1⁄2 tsk svartpeppar
2 endiver

2 bakplåtspapper

1 Värm ugnen till 30°. Mixa bovetemjöl, chiafrön, mandel och salt noga. Mixa surkål, kombucha och olja separat. Knåda ihop mjölblandningen och surkålsblandningen till en slät deg.

2 Dela degen i två och kavla ut bitarna till rundlar mellan bakplåtspapperen. Lägg rundlarna på ugnsplåt och torka i ugn över natten med ugns- luckan på glänt.

3 Tomatsås: Skala moroten och riv den fint. Skala alla vitlöksklyftorna. Hacka de soltorkade tomaterna fint. Blanda samman morot, tomat, citronskal och citronsaft. Tillsätt chili, salt och agavesirap. Pressa ner vitlöken och blanda sam- man.

4 En timme före servering: Värm ugnen till 30°. Bre nötosten på pizzabottnarna, lägg på basilikan och toppa med tomatsåsen. Torka i ugnen med ugnsluckan på glänt.

5 Skiva tomat, lök och fänkål tunt. Ta ut pizzorna och toppa med tomat, lök, fänkål och rucola. Mal över svartpeppar.

6 Servering: Skär pizzan i trekantiga bitar. Lägg upp pizzan ihop med endiveblad på en stor tallrik. Lägg varje pizzaslice i ett blad och ät med händerna.


Crisp bread pizza

Crisp bread pizza

Buckwheath pan pizzas

Buckwheath pan pizzas

Whitebeet in apple cider and coconut nectar

Whitebeet in apple cider and coconut nectar





Work in progress "body image"

Work in progress “body image”

Flower pizza

Flower pizza

Pretty pizza plate

Pretty pizza plate

On the board

On the board

Watercress salad

Watercress salad

Seed pods and "body image" polaroid

Seed pods and “body image” polaroid




Gluten free crisp bread pizza with eggs and chantarells

Gluten free crisp bread pizza with eggs and chantarells

Ramson capers and pickled mini cucumbers

Ramson capers and pickled mini cucumbers

Pizza rustica

I made this pizza for the swedish magazine Gourmet in it´s May issue with photographer Fredik Skogkvist who takes most of the pictures of the food I make and of me.

A vegetable pizza made with an oven dried raw pizza dough.

3 cups sprouted buckwheat flour
2 cups light chia seeds
2 cups almonds flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup sauerkraut
1/2 cup kombucha
2 tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil

 You’ll also need: blender and 2 sheets baking paper.

1 Preheat the oven to 40 °. Mix buckwheat flour, chia seeds, almond flour and salt thoroughly in mixer. Mix sauerkraut, kombucha and oil separately. Place in a bowl mix and knead the 2 doughs together.
2 Divide the dough in 2 and roll out the pieces into circles between the backing sheets. Place them on a baking tray and dry in the oven overnight with the oven door a bit open.

Green eggs, ham and about my “mancave”

As you might have noticed I get a lot of my inspiration here in France.

Coming to this place which is filled with memorabilia from all the places we´ve lived in.
Books, pictures, paintings and china together with it´s beautiful surroundings makes creative marks in me that last till the next time I come back.

The food I use today in Stockholm I´ve used here for years. Everything is bought locally and is mostly organic. If not picked from the garden.

Also coming down here means time to rest, eat well, do lots of yoga and sleep.

My mother usually presents me with one or two objects each time I´m here from my past.

Books and reading, putting words together like therapy for me. I keep different dairies of words, photographs and plants.

This time around she gave me my old book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.
Dr.Seuss along with Alice in Wonderland and Marilyn Monroe are my favourite quoters.

Although I´ve mustard thru most of the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali Yoga sutras. All filled with amazing descriptions of the mind, the body and the soul.
I still love the easy quirky children’s books more. Quotes like “today you are you that´s truer than true there´s none alive who is your than you” are brilliant.
As we all know a child mind is still uncoloured by society and often more openminded.

Green Eggs and Ham made me think of how it´s to serve and get people to see the possibilities with plant raw foods.
No one wanted to drink something green 7 years ago. Now it´s everywhere.
But sometimes the reaction can be:
Kombucha what the fuck is that?
Dry pizza for 24 h?
I hate plants!
Why eat flowers and drink birch sap?Why make nut yogurts and banana nice creams?

Because it´s good for you? Well not only that. It´s a magnificent way to prepare food. We actually use really old metods of how to preserve the greens and fruits in raw food.

When I made the psychedelic glass the first time it was kind of a smoothie mix going for a fail that turned into a win.
When shit went crazy in the glass I thought that´s pretty. I love it.

I thought if Jimmy Hendricks was a health drink he would be just that glass of taste and colour. Also I never felt full drinking just a smoothie and thought eating just chiapudding was a drag.
Layering healthy trips like this is all around us and it´s a beautiful way to eat what´s also good for you.

The book is about how this little dude is trying to make Sam eat green eggs and ham. Sam doesn´t want to because it looks different and is wierd.

I overheard famous Swedish chef looking at one of the glasses I made saying it´s just mushy stuff in a wine glass. Which is true if you see it that way. So I´ll give him that, it´s not for everyone.
In the end though Sam eats his greens and loves it.

I eat everything.
I´m quite the mix of both the detox and the retox. I´ve tried the hardcore eating nothing. The eating not this and that.
I´ve done to much yoga and Í´ve lost all focus and space.
The only way that makes my life work is “balance is key”.
You might find me on a yoga mat, sipping a juice or eating something planty.
And you might find me messing about with my friends at my favourite bad behaving places.
Or you might not find me at all. Sometimes I just turn of reflect and go into my “man cave” mode. A necessary need in my fast moving forward world.
Then my friends sms and ask are you alive Jo?

My mom always said taste everythingat least once and I´m happy I did. In each country we´ve lived I´ve tried and learnt about flavours. Experience is the best teacher.

So I add to what she said by saying this, play with your food to open your mind.


Rejuvelac yogurt in the making

Rejuvelac yogurt in the making

Plant food

Plant food

Cracked eggs omelette

Cracked eggs omelette

Real tomatoes

Real tomatoes

Green stuff

Green stuff

Green stuff with salt

Green stuff with salt

From the garden

From the garden

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Green eggs

Green eggs

The color purple

The color purple

Memorabillia from Iran and cheese from plants and animals

Memorabillia from Iran and cheese from plants and animals

Eat my peach

Eat my peach

Man caving

Man caving