


Condom of flowers is THE salad

A salad is a dish consisting of small pieces of food, which may be mixed with a sauce or salad dressing// Wikipedia

Buying salad sauvage from my favorite booth in the market in Nice

Buying salad sauvage from my favorite booth in the market in Nice


Left over salad in my lap

Left over salad in my lap

It´s also a beautiful way to serve plants. I some times say that raw food is a million opportunities to make a random salad look and taste amazing.

I love to roll mine up in rice paper och nori sheets, makes great finger food. I call the rice paper rolls for “condom of flowers”.

Condom of flowers

Condom of flowers

Skinny or thick you choose

Skinny or thick you choose

Raw vegan sushi

Raw vegan sushi

Swiss chard wraps

Swiss chard wraps

Zuccini blossoms, shredded carrots, dijon mustard and avocado is a super yumy combo and a bit different than the regular asian once. Mix it up.

Or to serve it straight in a beautiful leaf of lettuce, chard, chiccoria or kale. Just put the filling in the leafy part.
Use sprouts, roots, fruits, meat, bird, beans, pasta, pizza, cheese or what ever you desire. Get touchy feely with your food, there are napkins you know.

The ultimate plate

The ultimate plate, photo Fredrik Skogkvist

Pimp with dressings, sauces or use funny little sauce cups to dip in. Or another favorit is to spray the dressing lightly with a mini water spray on to what your serving.

Cashew turmeric sauce

Cashew turmeric sauce

Raw lasange is also a way of serving salad

Raw lasange is also a way of serving salad

My favorite dressing is just lemon juice, salt and oliv oil. Massage it on your kale add some blueberries, pecans and creamy goats cheese.

Another sauce or more like a syrup is my date syrup, fresh berries ( black currants ) and some lemon juice. Pairs together beautifuly with mozzarella and basil.

If I´m making a speacial dinner I just put the ingredients on the table and then on a wooden board. On the table goes whole pieces of peaches, tomatoes on the wine, oliv branches, cedro lemons and just about everything you also have on the board cut up for eating.

Plant lovers can have thier fun while still sharing with the meat lovers. Make the salad the center piece and add/make the extra bits around it.

Kitchen Sauvage

Kitchen Sauvage, photo: Fredrik Skogkvist

Then we can share everything and eat with our hands to good wine and music. These nights are epic and I call them Kitchen Sauvage.

Let the pictures inspire you more than my words. Make up your own combos.

And if all you use is lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber made with an open mind it can turn out pretty damn good as long as you want to.

When in france

When in france




When in France


Risrullar är inte typsik fransk mat men i denna “French Indochina” tolkningen blir det en perfekt lunch i hettan. Jag säger hetta för det är ca 40°. I love it, mitt klimat. Jag solkattar mig och njuter.

Det blev 2 varianter rullar idag. Bägge mer Salade Nicoise än koriander och tamari.

En helt plant baserad med cashew/senapsfrön/pepparots/kapris kräm och en tonfisk/dijon/kapris röra.

Plantorna i blev haricots verts, frisse salad, gurka, polka betor och rädisor. En riktigt het paprika sås med bränd cayenne peppar och agave.

Upplagd på fikon blad från trädgården och lite annat gott.


Använd det du gillar i rullarna, det är ju lite som att göra en nudelsallad fast i rulle. Bara för det heter vietnamesiska ris papper betyder inte att det måste smaka asiatiskt.

I våras gjorde jag Italian style med zuccini blommor och då fick rullen namnet Condom of flowers.

Vill du köra helt raw så använd hyvlad rättika.

Mina föräldrar har verkligen ingen state of the art mixer utan här kör vi mixer stav med olika tillbehör. För att få en krämig nöt kräm eller len dressing mix lite åt gången istället för att ösa på med alla ingredienser på en gång.

För mer chunks haka hälften och mixa resten.


Use what you like in you rice rolls. When I´m here in France I make them more Salade Nicoise. The plantfood version is with cashew/mustardseed/horseradish/capers cream.

The other is with tuna/dijon/capers.

Haricots vertes, frisse salad, cucumber, chiogga beets and radish. Hot pepper sauce with burnt cayenne and agave.

If you want to make the rice rolls totally raw use daikon radish for wraps.


My parents don´t have a super mixer, here it´s the hand blender. To make a creamy nut sauce or dressing mix small parts of the ingredients at a time.

For more chunks chop half and mix the rest.

Bonne Appetite!