

Snacktime at G.T.A

Yup, it’s that good place again. The place with the toasts, the pizzas, the veggies and everything else incredible good in between. After 11 am they make room for lunch over there and the heirloom farm carrots with cilantro is becoming a trademark now. I’m not sure what it’s tossed in, but who cares – it’s good and organic and I trust anything they make.

Snabblunch på bästa stället. Eller mer ett litet snacks sådär på eftermiddagen. Det här är heirloom morötter med färska koriander och något annat gott som jag inte riktigt vet vad det är. Måste fråga nästa gång. Visst ser det gott ut?


Gjelina Take Away


Raw food rainbow

Here is where you can see whats Ojai is all about. Here is where the locals hang out – the whole rainbow of locals. Second time I’m at this cute little healthfoodstore/farm/hippiehangout and cafe called Farmer and the cook. They serve raw food, vegan and lots of smoothies and juices. Everything you eat here comes from their own organic farm . On sunday nights they throw some more tables out on the parking lots, makes room for a band and fire up the wood oven and crank out pizzas all night. Whatever they have a lot of at the farm, they throw on pizzas, I think he said beets and squash… hm…  maybe next time..

farmer and the cook

I had my Kevita fix of the day, the delicious sparkling probiotic coconut beverage.

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Prepping the oven with lemon tree wood.

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Farmer and the cook is nothing you just bump into strolling down the boulevard. It’s very well hidden.


The best toast in town…

… is served at G.T.A on Abbot Kinney. Homebaked organic bread toasted to perfection topped with avocado, lemon, radish and parsley. And then a kale smoothie that they are hiding in their fridges somewhere and forget to tell you about. But now you know and they are good too.

Bäst toast i stan serveras på G.T.A på Abbot Kinney. Det finns några olika smarriga toasts på morgonen mellan 7 och 11 endast! Gjort på hembakat ekologiskt bröd rostat i ugn till perfektion med olika toppings. Avokado, rädisa, persilja och citron på den här OCH en grönkåls smoothie som dom gömmer i kylen och glömmer att berätta att dom har. Men nu vet ni.


Gjelina take away G.T.A

I had a friday treat after the farmers market with the great Vavawoom photographer Anna-Maria. 

Jag drog en toast och smoothie tillsammans med den duktiga Vavawoom fotografen Anna-Maria.