

Small things makes me happy

Happiness is to sit in the sand and watch the sun go down…


with a chilled and sparkling probiotic beverage 🙂


The best toast in town…

… is served at G.T.A on Abbot Kinney. Homebaked organic bread toasted to perfection topped with avocado, lemon, radish and parsley. And then a kale smoothie that they are hiding in their fridges somewhere and forget to tell you about. But now you know and they are good too.

Bäst toast i stan serveras på G.T.A på Abbot Kinney. Det finns några olika smarriga toasts på morgonen mellan 7 och 11 endast! Gjort på hembakat ekologiskt bröd rostat i ugn till perfektion med olika toppings. Avokado, rädisa, persilja och citron på den här OCH en grönkåls smoothie som dom gömmer i kylen och glömmer att berätta att dom har. Men nu vet ni.


Gjelina take away G.T.A

I had a friday treat after the farmers market with the great Vavawoom photographer Anna-Maria. 

Jag drog en toast och smoothie tillsammans med den duktiga Vavawoom fotografen Anna-Maria.

Raw food deliciousness

This dish is addicting! And what I order most of the time at Cafe Gratitude. Living kelp noodles tossed in their secret almond thai dressing with red peppers, kale, cilantro, basil and teriyaki almonds, like a Phad Thai raw food style. Doesn’t it sound delicious? Cafe Gratitude really knows how to make good raw food. Smaklig måltid!

Raw food phad thai