Taking a long walk in the heat calls for chilled fruit smoothie. And no one could be more happy than me when I almost walked by this smoothie truck. They are driving around serving organic juices and smoothies. You pay for your drink how much you think It’s worth for you or how much cash you happen to have in your pockets. This way they make it available for everyone to get some organic fruits and greens.


“What food do you see around your neighborhood on a daily basis? Is it healthy, fresh, and sustainable? Food, and how we interact with it, is a habit that is learned over time and passed down from generation to generation.

When we live in a world where the quick and easy fix of the Dollar Menu is on every corner, and one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%)* are obese, it becomes more and more clear that we need to be the ones who affect real change within our communities.

Pyngle’s mission is clear — to bring healthy and sustainable eating alternatives to the community”