


Allt behöver inte vara just så…..

Att komma till ett annat kök är både kul och utmanande. Om jag ska på semester tar jag väldigt sällan med mig det jag är van att använda varje dag. Det jag “tror” jag är beroende utav.
Om jag är på jobb så är det mer köksredskap och råvaror än kläder i packningen. Påsar av gröna saker och pulver gör packningen minsta sagt intressant…..

Det är kul att komma på lösningar och mycket utav det som hittas på på resor jobbar sig senare in i vardags köket.

Livet i köket är sällan idealiskt precis som livet själv. Att lösa “problemen” är en del av utmaningen som gör det så spännande att leva och jobba med det jag gör.

Nästan allt annat finns i Grasse bästa möjliga råvaoro och miljön to die for. Men saker som där min Vita Mixer och torkugn finns inte.

De flest jag pratar med säger ofta att jag skulle gärna pröva att tillreda det du gör men har inte en mixer, jag har bara en mixerstav. Att äga en “sate of the art” mixer är inte nödvändigt och inte att ha tillgång till torkugn. Att torka i din vanliga ugn går minst lika bra. Mer om det i senare inlägg.

Hos mina föräldrar är det mixerstav som gäller och för att undvika smoothies, nötmjölk och annat flytande i hela köket klär jag in tillbringaren eller skålen i folie eller en plast påse. Jag klipper ett håll för själva staven och vips så undviker att själv bli helt ned skvätt och slipper få skäll av mamma för att jag stökar omkring.

Sista kvällen gjorde jag en kall soppa på rå pressad sötpotatis och morots juice som blev jätte fin utan svin dyr mixer.
Låt inte recepten jag postar här eller på mitt IG konto @detoxlife få dig att tänka att det går inte utan det ena eller andra. Fråga mig så hjälper jag er!!!
Jag har själv inte alltid ägt allt som det ser ut som man behöver och har haft jätte kul när jag hittat på lösningar på vissa svåra recept. Practice make perfection.

Till soppan gjorde jag raw food sushi med rotselleri ris som jag gör på hakad rotselleri, kokosvatten och citron. När jag sen skulle rulla ihop rot riset med alla grönsaker var sushi mattan borta.

Har ni underlägg som det som finns på bilden nedan går det minst lika bra, eller något annat platt och rullvänligt.


Raw sushi:

Rot riset görs på palsternacka, persiljerot, rotselleri eller jicame roten. Mixa i omgångar med lite kokosvatten och citron saft. Du måste pröva dig fram och låt riset hellre kännas lite torrt än att sushi blir blaskig.

Till en rotselleri behövs 1 citron och ca 1 dl kokosvatten.


To use another kitchen is both fun and challenging. If I’m going on vacation I don´t bring my kitchen applinces. What I think I am dependent of when a prepp and make plant food.
If I’m on the job there are more utensils and veggies than clothes in my packing. Plastic bags of green plants and superpowders makes my suitcase look very suspecious.

It’s fun to come up with solutions and it can make its way into my everyday kitchen life afterward.

Life in the kitchen is seldom ideal like life itself. To solve the “problems” is part of the challenge and what makes what I do so interesting and creative.

Almost everything can be found at my parents house in France. The best possibel local produce and the environment to die for. But things like my Vita Mix and a dehydratore is a no show.

When I talk to people about raw food or plant food they really want to try to make some of it but feel they can´t without this and that. Belive me I have tried my way thru alot when I didn´t own what I do today. It works and it tastes just as good.

At my parents it´s a hand mixer and drying in the regular oven or sun that is the sollution. More on drying in oven in later posts.

The last night of my mini vaction I made a cold soup of raw pressed sweet potato and carrot juice. It was lovely without THE Vita Mixer.
Do not let the recipes I post here or on my IG account @detoxlife scare you away. Everything can usually be made with what you got at home. If you want to. Ask me and I will help you!!!
Practice makes perfection.

I dressed the bowl with the juice in it in tin foil so the liquid would stay in it and save the kitchen from soup and me from my mothers scoulding I´m making a mess. You can use a plastic bag as well.

Raw Sushi:

The raw rice is made with parsnips, parsley root, celery root or jicame root. Blend it in batches with a bit of coconut water and lemon juice. You have to see for yourself how much of the liquid you need. But it´s better to make it dry than too watery.

For one celery root I needed 1 dl of coconut water and juice from 1 lemon.


Cleaning out the fridge

Cleaning out the fridge





Last juice of vacation, oldie but goodie

Last juice of vacation, oldie but goodie

When in france one needs at least one butter croissant

When in france one needs at least one butter croissant

Coco whip and raw juice for soup

Coco whip and raw juice for soup

Cassava chips in the baking

Cassava chips in the baking

Last dinner, raw sushi, cold soup and baked chips

Last dinner, raw sushi, cold soup and baked chips

The solution to a splater free kitchen.

The solution to a splatter free kitchen.



Back at work making glasses of raw love

Back at work making glasses of raw love at Stockholms Matmarkand

Drink mixers for Paolas Open Air fiesta

Drink mixers for Paolas Open Air fiesta

Blogging about at Fredriks and Elins apartment, best view around

Blogging and making menues at Fredriks and Elins apartment, best view around


How to make a great entrance and a graceful sortiee.

Yoga has been in my life for the last 15 years. I used to be a teacher and that was 12 years of my life.

I loved to teach and I think I was pretty good at it. But for many reasons I stoped and that halt took me to where I am today.

As I continue to contribute the Rawness blogg we will touch all those places of my life. But for now all I can say about it that I´m finally really happy. I´m starting to like who I am and I love what I do.

I´m lucky. I´ve worked with the three of my passions in life. Fashion, yoga, now food and writing about it.

It´s both a blessing and a curse to do this. Or not a curse but it takes you places you´ve nerver thought you´d end up in. And it teaches you stuff you didn´t think you needed.

Without the daily practice of yoga I´m not sure I would´ve survived my crash courses of emtions. I wouldn´t have developed into a better version of who I was before.

Gone are the days when yoga was my jobb and with that the luxury of always having a shala to pracitce in AND the time…..

But I´m greatful. Now working with what I do I get the best produce, products, plants, education, food and drink a girl could wish for.

Yoga teaches us many things about our bodies and minds. But if you listen a bit more to the words and the actions you will see it also and foremost mirrors you in life and where you stand.

You get to meet the supernovas of your personality. Like handstands, deep back bends, thouching of toes, standing still in chaos, being able to keep on breathing in deep unknow waters and simpliy returning to your mat.

And wheter you want it or not your demons will come out and play with you. Fuck with you until you see, feel, live, talk, reason and learn to live with them in peace.

The demons or your bad habits are the keys to getting your life in balance. When you can have a glass of wine with them or a coffe then you´ll know they´ll be THE creative force to becoming you.

And that´s the reason why yoga is my choice of cure for all my vices.

Where ever the yoga takes you, you will need cruches and side tracks to help you see where to focus.

The pulling of the yoga top, touching of your hair.

The nervous cough.

The aggressive force vs the lethargic.

The I´ll start tomorrow or the I must must do every day.

All those things need to be there till you´re ready to let go and learn how to walk without the aid of a bad habit.

That´s how you learn to make a great entrance and a graceful sortiee.





Pouring olive oil in 30 degrees is hotness galore....

Pouring olive oil in 30 degrees is hotness galore….









