


Condom of flowers is THE salad

A salad is a dish consisting of small pieces of food, which may be mixed with a sauce or salad dressing// Wikipedia

Buying salad sauvage from my favorite booth in the market in Nice

Buying salad sauvage from my favorite booth in the market in Nice


Left over salad in my lap

Left over salad in my lap

It´s also a beautiful way to serve plants. I some times say that raw food is a million opportunities to make a random salad look and taste amazing.

I love to roll mine up in rice paper och nori sheets, makes great finger food. I call the rice paper rolls for “condom of flowers”.

Condom of flowers

Condom of flowers

Skinny or thick you choose

Skinny or thick you choose

Raw vegan sushi

Raw vegan sushi

Swiss chard wraps

Swiss chard wraps

Zuccini blossoms, shredded carrots, dijon mustard and avocado is a super yumy combo and a bit different than the regular asian once. Mix it up.

Or to serve it straight in a beautiful leaf of lettuce, chard, chiccoria or kale. Just put the filling in the leafy part.
Use sprouts, roots, fruits, meat, bird, beans, pasta, pizza, cheese or what ever you desire. Get touchy feely with your food, there are napkins you know.

The ultimate plate

The ultimate plate, photo Fredrik Skogkvist

Pimp with dressings, sauces or use funny little sauce cups to dip in. Or another favorit is to spray the dressing lightly with a mini water spray on to what your serving.

Cashew turmeric sauce

Cashew turmeric sauce

Raw lasange is also a way of serving salad

Raw lasange is also a way of serving salad

My favorite dressing is just lemon juice, salt and oliv oil. Massage it on your kale add some blueberries, pecans and creamy goats cheese.

Another sauce or more like a syrup is my date syrup, fresh berries ( black currants ) and some lemon juice. Pairs together beautifuly with mozzarella and basil.

If I´m making a speacial dinner I just put the ingredients on the table and then on a wooden board. On the table goes whole pieces of peaches, tomatoes on the wine, oliv branches, cedro lemons and just about everything you also have on the board cut up for eating.

Plant lovers can have thier fun while still sharing with the meat lovers. Make the salad the center piece and add/make the extra bits around it.

Kitchen Sauvage

Kitchen Sauvage, photo: Fredrik Skogkvist

Then we can share everything and eat with our hands to good wine and music. These nights are epic and I call them Kitchen Sauvage.

Let the pictures inspire you more than my words. Make up your own combos.

And if all you use is lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber made with an open mind it can turn out pretty damn good as long as you want to.

When in france

When in france




The body and the naked food made with loads of plants, color and love

The days when vegan food was considerded weird or too “hippie like” are numbered. Very soon we, who love this food will all be able to get what we desire and have longed for at other places than in our own kitchens.
And it will look beautiful and taste even better.
The plant food movement around the world is seeing to that.

Top of the line resturants such as Noma have vegan chefs and use water cleaners to enhance their vegetables, both taste and quality. No one is excluded. And in the process nature is taken care of, local products are brought to light as well as local farmers.

At my work Stockholms Matmarknad we seek out the best products. Plant or animal. We get inspired and learn from each other so we can bring our hay to the stack in this movment.

More and more people grow their own veggies. Foraging and urban farming are two of this seasons most used words on IG.
People are starting to care about thier food and where it comes from. Food is starting to matter.

Raw food is not only for hardcore yogis and health freaks.

To use products such as chia seeds, buckwheat and drink juices are becoming more than a silly trend.
The methods used by raw food chefs have caught the eye of other chefs, or it it the other way around.
Who really care as long as the word is spreading that this is just another way to prepare food. It broadens the spectra of what we can eat and it makes us healthier even if that isn´t what we sought out to become.

I´m one of the lucky ones and can eat almost everything in normal amounts. If I overindulge or underindulge I feel bad.
Both body and my mind gets disturbed. BUT note this it has taken me all my life to get to this point and the journey has been hard and painful.

But it was worth it and it continues everyday. I hope for the rest of my life and the richness it has brought to me I hope to share with others.

I practice yoga daily and have done so for the past 15 years, no day is the same. The practice changes as life moves on. It´s just like brushing my teeth. I don´t really think about it but without yoga as without the brushing it is just unthinkable.

All of this and more has helped to deal with my low self esteem and disrespect to my body. I´m 41 years now and as I look at pictures of me at lets say the age of 20, I can´t get passed the thought, why was I so unhappy with that?

Well the answer is simple to me now. Your body and how it looks has little to do with what you eat or don´t eat. That´s just the headache, the symptom of something much deeper rooted in you.

The eating is just a way to control what can´t be. And to not deal with what actully can be dealt with.

As with alot of these issues we deal with them in quite harsh ways. We feel bad that we have issues and this becomes a hinder to becoming more healthy.

Who doesn´t have issues, if it´s not food it´s something else.

This is why plantfood is not diet to me and it´s not food as medicine. It´s just like brushing my teeth. I don´t really think about eating this way and would rather eat a good goatscheese than over eat nuts and seeds. Just as anything else when eaten to much makes me sick.

Thur my blogging here I want to create a forum where instead of talking about detoxes and cleanses as removing the lustfullness in life. To transform the “detoxlife” into finding the tools to add the good stuff first.

First you learn how to crawl then walk. And then you can make what you want with your world.

Recepie for sprouted wild rice risotto below.


WIld white currants

WIld white currants

I make plantfood every weekday at Stockholms Matmarknad

I make plantfood every weekday at Stockholms Matmarknad





The color purple

The color purple

WIldrice risotto with almond parmesan

WIldrice risotto with almond parmesan

Just me and some petals

Just me and some petals. Photo: Fredrik Skogkvist.


Wild rice rainbow risotto.

Soak 2 dl of wild rice over night.

Rinse in morning and let them sprout for 3 days.

Turn the rice in tarrogon, lemon zest, cold pressed apple cider vinegare and cold pressed oil of your choice.

Mandolin half of a small cauliflower head into the rice mix. If you can find purple this will boost the dish in color without effect on the taste.

Pimp with small tomatoes, again use color!

Color is such and easy way to make any dish go from a bore to a beauty!!!!!

Almond parmesan is easily made with soaked and rinsed almonds and for better taste you acctivate them in 40° in your oven. I prefare to work with dry nuts instead of wet.

Here I used 1 dl of almonds.

3 tbs of kombucha.

2 tbs of nutrient yeast.

1 tsp of turmeric.

Lemon juice and zest, maybe half a lemon.

1 tsp of pink salt.

Mix and use straight away or store in a cheese cloth for 2-3 days.

Raw lasange

Tomat sås.

2 dl soltorkade tomater

Blötlägg solisarna i egen pressad tomat juice för extra saft. Jag undviker numera vatten i vissa blötläggningar för att det just blir så vattnigt. Nöt mjölk eller rå juice är att fördra.

Låt stå i minst 12h och mixa grovt. Jag gillar chunky sås till lasangen då slipper man nötter som gärna överdoseras.



Blötlagda och aktiverade cashewnötter ca 2 dl. Aktiverade menas att de får torka efter det blötlagts ibland med smak och ibland naturella.

Jag har varken kombucha eller näringsjäst så för att få till den ostiga smaken samt bakterie floran labbar jag med rejuvelac. Mer om detta i senare inlägg…..

Jag använde ca 1 dl rejuvelac i den här såsen.

1 klyfta vitlök.

1 stor nästan övermogen avokado.

1 dl egen pressad gulbets juice. ( sötman )

1 citron till juicen och använd zesten när du mixar allt.

Pressa juicen och mixa sen allt ihop tills krämigt. Har du en handmixer mixa lite åt gången.

Hyvla zuccini till platorna och lägg i iskallt vatten för att få tillbaka spänsten. Jag tog 2 färger på zuccinin gul och ljus grön.

Jag har torkat stora tomater i våran egen olivolja och rosmarin i ugnen på 40 grader hela dagen.

Nu varvar jag dessa mellan zuccini platorna, nöt såsen, tomat färsen, sallad och basilika.


Tomato sauce.

2 dl dried tomatoes.

Soak the tomatos in homepressed tomato juice. I avoid to soak in water and prefare nut milk or raw juice. This makes the result less watery.

Let it stand for at least 12h and then mix roughly. I like the sauce chunky and you can skip the nuts. I find we ovedose on nuts when making plant based meals.

Nut sauce.

Soaked and activate 2 dl of cashews. Activated means that they are dried after the soaking. You can dry them with flavoring or natural.

I have neither kombucha or nutritional yeast here so to get to the cheesy flavor and bacterial flora I used rejuvelac. More on this in later posts .

I used about 1 dl rejuvelac in this sauce.

1 clove of garlic.

1 large almost ripe avocado.

1 dl of homepressed yellow beet juice. (Sweetness)

1 lemon for the juice above and zest when you mix it all togheter.

Squeeze the juice and mix with the rest of the ingredients until creamy. Do you have a hand blender mix a little bit at a time.

Mandolin zucchini and place in ice water to bring back the crisp. I used 2 colors of zuccinin yellow and light green here.

I have dried large tomatoes in our own olive oil and rosemary in the oven at 40 degrees throughout the day.

I placed them inbetween the zuccini, nutcheese, tomato sauce, lettuce and basil.


Top of with more lemon zest!